people at church pray
for everyone as they go spend time with family
especially "those that are hard to be around"
and i laugh and thank God that we
don't qualify for that label, that our family
is all close-knit, that we 
care for each other.

but then i step into their house,
into the half-baptist, half-presbyterian atmosphere,
and not even the smells of food cooking
can cover it up.
you'd think that love
and a common belief system
would unite us, not divide us,
but every time we are together we argue.
this year my heart will pound as i anticipate it--
will it be before dinner? 
or maybe even during?

i wish i was old enough 
to look at them and scream
telling them to stop
stop debating, fighting, arguing, 
stop the barely controlled yells, the
heated, raised voices.
we know the One we love;
why is that not enough?
are you all too stubborn, too
headstrong to realize that we are family
two times over,
aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, and
brothers and sisters?

but i am young,
and i know nothing, of course.
so i keep my mouth shut,
keep my heart inside my chest,
keep my words silent.

and unwillingly immerse myself in the tension of family.



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