tell me why you loved them. 

tell me all about her eyes. the one with eyes like burnished bronze, flecked with gold, who made you feel warm inside. tell me about the one with eyes like the deep blue sea--the tropics, green and gorgeous. or the one with eyes of forest-green, the eyes you could lose yourself in. tell me about her laugh, each one of them; different, but lovely in their own ways. tell me about how her hair felt when you ran your fingers through it, or how you always loved the way her long waves bounced when she walked. tell me about how her hair smelled like coconuts, but hers reminded you of apples, while the other's always smelled like fresh-baked cookies. tell me about how they loved you--fierce, soft, young and beautiful. tell me about how her nose would aways touch your skin when you hugged, but you loved the way that another's would breathe you deep before you pulled away. tell me about the late nights you had with each of them. tell me about how she'd go to bed early unless she knew you needed her to stay up with her. tell me about how she always went to bed after you, and if you texted her at 2 am she'd answer right away. tell me about how her kisses reminded you of butterflies dancing across your skin. tell me about how hers were terrible, and you'd laugh in the midst of them. tell me about their quirks, the little things you loved so much about them.

you learn so much about people when they tell you what--and who--they love.



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