seems like all i do as of late is hurt. it's very apt how the word "hurt" can refer to an action i perform, and the state of my own heart. i am the wolf king and he's the falcon. he won't know what that means. as i drift away from one friend and grow closer to another, it feels like so much is changing. i feel like there's some sort of metaphor for how i feel. is it like a caterpillar? am i the caterpillar? going through the changes, the cracks in the skin, the growing, the stretching, the pain, but becoming a beautiful thing in the end? if so, where is my beauty? am i halfway in between? some sort of mutant? confused, hurting, unsure? my heart is torn between love for one and obligation to another. "death is lighter than a feather, duty heavier than a mountain." i'd read that sentence many times before the meaning occurred to me. death is easy, but living with pain is many time...